American Oystercatchers, Marbled Godwits and Black-bellied Plovers — at Delta Del Estero. John Hannon
The AFSI key shorebird sites Google Earth file presents an inventory of key shorebird sites throughout the Atlantic Flyway, prioritized using the three levels of biological importance applied by the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network – WHSRN (1, 10 and 30% of the biogeographic population) and following the most recent definitions and estimates of biogeographic populations for each species. A brief summary of information is presented for each site and the key species present. Site boundaries are mapped for sites holding 10% or more of the biogeographic population of one or more species.
The inventory (version March 2017) includes a total of 439 key sites in 19 countries or territories within the Atlantic Flyway, for 34 shorebird species. The 439 key sites include 8 meeting the 30% threshold, 32 meeting the 10% threshold, and the remainder (399) meeting the 1% threshold. Of the 439 key sites, 261 have been identified for the 15 AFSI focal species. These include 7 meeting the 30% threshold for a focal species, 23 meeting the 10% threshold, and the remaining 231 meeting the 1% threshold for one or more focal species.
The inventory was compiled by the WHSRN Executive Office from data holdings and the results of IBA databases and inventories, International Shorebird Survey, eBird, WHSRN sites, species-specific conservation plans, Ramsar sites, Caribbean Waterbird Census, Neotropical Waterbird Census, assorted literature, and expert consultation. The inventory was made possible thanks to support from National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.