Human Disturbance Reduction Toolkit Virginia Tech, Audubon, Manomet, and USFWS developed an online, accessible toolkit to highlight the best practices, case studies, and lessons learned from the transdisciplinary human disturbance project. The goal of the toolkit is to provide managers, practitioners, and conservation professionals with the resources, knowledge, and expertise to tackle human disturbance head-on through empirically tested social science …
Evaluating Disturbance to Migrating and Overwintering Shorebirds in the Caribbean
To date, little is known about the extent and management of human disturbance to shorebirds in the Caribbean. Thanks to funding from Environment and Climate Change Canada, BirdsCaribbean and Virginia Tech recently partnered to survey Caribbean Waterbird Census (CWC) monitors’ experiences with disturbance at the wetland sites they monitor. CWC monitors first provided feedback via a focus group to share …
Initiatieven ter Bescherming van Wadvogels op het Westelijk Halfrond
Wadvogels zijn te vinden in bijna elk type habitat op het westelijk halfrond. Deze leefgebieden zijn de afgelopen eeuw ingrijpend veranderd. Habitatverlies in combinatie met de vele obstakels gedurende hun levenscyclus heeft geleid tot een aanzienlijke achteruitgang van wadvogels in Noord en Zuid Amerika. Gelukkig, dankzij jou en je geweldige partners, genieten wadvogels behoud en bescherming, en worden lokale gemeenschappen …
Iniciativas para Conservação das Aves Limícolas nas Américas
As aves limícolas podem ser encontradas em quase todos os habitats do hemisfério ocidental e vários desses habitats foram alterados drasticamente no século passado. A perda de habitat combinada com os obstáculos enfrentados ao longo de seu ciclo de vida resultaram em declínios significativos no número de aves limícolas nas Américas. Felizmente, as aves limícolas têm você e todos os …
Conservation des Oiseaux de Rivage, Initiatives des Amériques
Les oiseaux de rivage sont retrouvés dans presque tous les habitats de l’hémisphère occidental. Ces habitats ont été considérablement modifiés au cours du siècle dernier. La perte d’habitat combinée à bien des obstacles à travers tout leur cycle de vie a entraîné un déclin important des oiseaux de rivage dans les Amériques. Heureusement, les oiseaux de rivage peuvent compter sur …
Iniciativas de Conservación de Aves Playeras de las Américas
Las aves playeras se pueden encontrar en casi todos los hábitats del hemisferio occidental. Estos hábitats se han alterado drásticamente en el último siglo. La pérdida de hábitat combinada con tantos obstáculos a lo largo de su ciclo de vida ha provocado una disminución significativa en las aves playeras de las Américas. Afortunadamente, las aves playeras lo tienen a usted …
Shorebird Conservation Initatives of the Americas
Shorebirds can be found in nearly every habitat across the Western Hemisphere. These habitats have been altered dramatically in the last century. Habitat loss combined with so many obstacles throughout their life-cycle has resulted in significant declines to shorebirds in the Americas. Thankfully, shorebirds have you and all of your amazing partners helping to conserve and protect them as well …