Predation management.

Coordinated Shorebird Predation Management – Communication & Outreach

March 30, 2021
DESCRIPTION: Third in a series of three webinars hosted by the AFSI Predation Management Subteam that aims to advance further coordinated actions on predation management topics identified as needing more attention by those who study and conserve shorebirds. This webinar focuses on:
  • Reviewing existing materials via AFSI Guidance & BPs (especially BP 6, pp 52-56) and other sources (e.g., Communication Strategy for Trapping & Furbearer Mgmt. & Trapping Matters workshops; targeted messaging for Piping Plover management).
  • Determining predation management communication and outreach-related issues regularly encountered in the field, and associated needs that could be addressed through further collaborative efforts.
  • Identifying other information/resources used by managers (or under development) that may be of use to the broader community.

Caleb Spiegel, USFWS
Colleen Olfenbuttel, NC Wildlife Resources Commission
Todd Pover, Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey
Luanne Johnson, BiodiversityWorks

Meeting Notes and Agenda